ABS-LTE is the new LTE communicator specifically designed for Absoluta Series control panels. 

This new device, while maintaining all the functionalities of ABS-GSM, offers the panel the extra feature to remain constantly connected to the server, for a more effective management of the User App and an optimized remote connection, even in the absence of an IP connection.


  • Main Features

    ·            Supports the 4G (LTE Cat 1), GSM, GPRS and EDGE standards.

    ·            Supports the VoLTE (Voice over LTE) technology

    ·            Main or backup communicator

    ·            Events notification through voice messages over 4G cellular network.

    ·            Events notification through Contact ID and SIA messages over 4G cellular network

    ·            Events notification through Contact ID and SIA messages to SurGard System IP receivers, using the Fibro protocol, over Internet

    ·            Events notification through e-mail and on the ABSOLUTA app (push notifications)

    ·            Checks the credit left on the prepaid SIM card.

    ·            Teleservice by Internet

    ·            Detection of tamper attempts by means radio interferences (jamming)




    ABS-LTE is compatible with all versions of Absoluta:

    ·            Absoluta Plus Software 4.20.18 (B094) and 4.20.13 (B104)

    ·            Absoluta 630 Software 4.20.18

    ·            Absoluta software V3.60.3

    On Absoluta control panels V3.60, the “always connected” function is not available


    ABS-LTE is compatible with the Bentel antennas currently available:


    ·                ABS-AK - Pentaband antenna for Absoluta plastic box - ABS-P

    ·                ABS-AM - Pentaband antenna for Absoluta metal box - ABS-M

    ·                ANTLTE-02 - Indoor Pentaband Antenna, with 2 mt cable

    ·                ANTLTE-10 - Outdoor Pentaband Antenna, with 10 mt cable